Take the Survey!

“Hyperactive.” “Bi-polar.” “Depressed.”

It’s hard to find any one in this culture who has not been personally impacted by
labels such as these. And yet, we’re rarely asked how we feel about it. With all
the press and media about mental health issues, there are few opportunities for
ordinary people to contribute our thoughts on emotional distress, treatment and
diagnosis. Is diagnosis helpful?…hurtful?…stigmatizing?…a necessary
prerequisite for getting help? What do you think?

Take a few minutes  to be part of the Institute’s Survey on Emotional Distress
and Mental Health Diagnoses. 

It’s open-ended, so you can say in your own words how you think about these
issues. Then share it with others in any ways you can. Let’s give thousands the
opportunity to have their voices heard.

At the Institute, we believe that involving thousands of us in a wide-ranging
conversation on these issues is critically important for broadening the current
dialogue and for making more options available for people in emotional distress.