Berta Vishnivetz

Asociación Argentina y Latinoamericana de Eutonia (AALE)
Associacão Brasileira de Eutonia (ABE)
Copenhagen, Denmark,
Buenos Aires, Argentina
São Paulo, Brasil


Social Media & Blogs



LinkedIn: /berta-vishnivetz-24673783/


Berta has been active for more than 50 years in passionate engaged in the fields of education, arts, health, psychology, therapy and Eutony-body therapy, as an educator, therapist, researcher and counselor in diverse fields and countries.
The constant interaction with different cultures contributes to an ongoing learning and experiencing life challenges and opportunities that enriched her work to support people’s growth. Her activities and interventions are characterized by a pioneer, innovative approach to movement and health, considering the historical and cultural circumstances of the context, where it may take place.

She is the founder (and director) of the First Eutony professional training in Buenos Aires , Argentina (1987-1998) and the first Eutony Professional Training in São Paulo, Brazilian(1991-1999). She has also founded the AALE (Asociación Argentina y Latino- Americana de Eutonia) in 1988 and ABE (Associacão Brasileira de Eutonia) in 1994.

The Professional Trainings continue their tasks to train Eutony professionals in each and both countries, nowadays under the coordination /leadership of the local professionals. Berta contributes giving her support to these organizations as a guest lecturer and a supervisor.
She has been and still is guest lecturer ad workshop holder at The Faulty of Music Therapy at the University of El Salvador, University of Buenos Aires, in different Provinces of Argentina and Montevideo -Uruguay. In Brasil gives lectures and worskhops at the University of São Paulo, Campinhas, Faculdade de Danca e Movimento in Rio de Janeiro, Curitiba, Santos, Brasilia.

Berta has taught Eutony and movement education at a teacher’s training School in Holte, at the Dpt. of Linguistics, University of Copenhagen. at the National Theatre School in Copenhagen and the International Theatre School, at the Faculty of Public Health at the University of Copenhagen, and as a Senior lecturer at the Institute of social Work at the University College Metropol in the disciplines of Health Psychology, Culture- Psychology, Critical Psychology. She has given lectures and seminars in several Danish Universities (Århus and Odense), in Spain (Barcelona- Madrid- Santander – Zamora) and Latin America. Being a Critical psychologist, she has encouraged and conveyed tools to the participants, both at the regular classes and workshops and lectures to develop “critical consciousness”, to act in their fields exploring new possibilities to transform their lives.

Berta has recently retired from her position as a Senior lecturer at the Institute of Social Work. She keeps in contact as a guest professor cooperating with colleagues and students in exploring new ways to grow as a future professional.

In 2000, Lois H. and J. Mors book, “Post Modern Psychologies, Societal Practice and Political Life” became obligatory bibliography in the Faculty courses. Since 2012 she participates in workshops and on-line seminars organized by East Side staff.

I have one Link to an article in Spanish: link