David Kawanuka
Phone: +256-781-665-287
Email: letthegirlbeuganda@gmail.com, kiwadavid@gmail.com

Social Media & Blogs
Facebook: Let The Girl Be – Uganda
LinkedIn: /david-kawanuka-naggenda-724411234/
WhatsApp: +256-752-690-663
David Kawanuka is a Ugandan native and founder and director of “Let The Girl Be – Uganda” a non-profit NGO formed to empower and protect vulnerable girls and young mothers to save them from sexual and labour exploitation. Its vision is to improve quality of life through Education and Health. There are five thematic programs including girl’s education, counseling, community outreach, music dance & drama, and self-sustenance projects. He is the former adminstrative director of Hope for Youth – Uganda was started by its current director, Peter Nsubuga (David’s brother) in 2008 with a mission of improving the quality of life for vulnerable children and the youth in our communities, by empowering them through the provision of free basic primary and vocational education skills and access to health services, while restoring hope. David holds a certificate in Public Administration and Management from Makerere Centre for Business and Management Sciences with Integrated Efforts in Culture for Development and attended and completed the Basic Cadre development course of the National School of Political Education for the award of a certificate. The poverty David grew up in has inspired him a lot to make a positive difference in many lives of children and the youth in our community going through the same issues in which they grew up.