Shelley Schwartz
Place of Work
Boulder, Colorado
Email: rochelle.h.schwartz@gmail.com

Social Media & Blogs
Shelley Schwartz (also known as Rochelle) has had a dynamic professional life that can be framed in three acts.
Act one is set in New York and San Francisco where she worked for over a decade in education, creativity development, art and social therapy. In San Francisco she trained in the art of community organizing and street performance as a founding member of the Bay Area Center for Independent Culture (BACIC) and as an early creator within the Burning Man community. She earned an English degree from New York University in Greenwich Village and later a Masters in art therapy and creativity development from Brooklyn’s Pratt Institute.
Act two is set in Colorado, where Shelley found many ways to build community and make art while venturing into the world of business. She emerged as an entrepreneur with an organizing business called Free Your Time, and later found growth in a challenging career as an administrator and culture builder in business settings, including within the trade show industry, within Marketing for a multinational consumer package goods company, and as a key People Operations leader in an emerging tech start up in Denver.
Act three is emergent. Shelley now has roots in Boulder, Colorado, where she currently plays many roles in many structures including student, social therapist in training, administrator, culture builder, wife, mother, daughter, sister, artist, writer, neighbor, and friend. The roles overlap, new roles pop up, the hours and days expand and contract, and creativity seeps into the cracks. Shelley continues to create environments that enable creativity and development as she invites others to find new ways to create and play together.