Tamara Nikolić Maksić
Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade
Belgrade, Serbia
Email: tamara.nikolic@f.bg.ac.rs, tmaksic@gmail.com
Website: www.f.bg.ac.rs/, www.f.bg.ac.rs/en2
Social Media & Blogs
Facebook: /tamara.n.maksic
LinkedIn: /tamara-nikolic/
I live in Belgrade, Serbia, where I work as an Assistant Professor at the Department for Pedagogy and Andragogy (Adult Education) at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade.
Ever since I started out in the field of adult education, I sensed that common knowledge and practice are not enough. There had to be more. Only after joining the International Class and studying at the East Side Institute in 2010/2011, did I find this missing piece. ESI sparked my interest in the intersections of arts, play and performance, adult learning and community building. Until this day, I have kept pursuing it. I’ve tried to do so through participation in multiple projects that make use of play and performance to support community and human development.
By creating a series of workshops Let’s Develop, organized in collaboration with ESI faculty and associates, I promoted social therapeutics among professionals of various fields in Serbia. As an adult educator, trainer and researcher, I am interested in deeper understanding of the value of play and performance as tools of community building, and global change is my point of interest.
After completing my undergraduate studies in Andragogy, I have earned master’s degrees in both, Andragogy from the University of Belgrade and Human Relations from the University of Nottingham. I hold a doctorate in the field of Adult Education, specifically Leisure Education. As an educational professional, I teach adult education related to leisure and recreation, communication and media, play and creativity and, since most recently, applied drama and performance. Additionally, as a researcher, I have published regularly with over 40 published papers so far.