Building the Dementia Ensemble
Lori La Bey, host of Alzheimer’s Speaks, talks to Susan Massad, MD, and Mary Fridley about their playful/performatory take on building the dementia ensemble...
Art Ed Radio interviews Lois Holzman
Art of Education's Tim Bolgatz interviews Lois Holzman on using improvisation and performativity as teaching tools...
Using Improvisation and Performativity as Teaching Tools
Art Education Radio’s Tim Bolgatz interviews Lois Holzman on “Using Improvisation and Performativity as Teaching Tools.” Listen
Mental Health News Radio interviews Lois Holzman
Mental Health News Radio’s popular host, Kristin Walker, talks to Lois Holzman about “The Overweight Brain” and a challenge to our obsession with knowing. Listen here!
The Overweight Brain
Lois Holzman talks to Mental Health News Radio’s Kristin Walker about “The Overweight Brain.” Listen
This Improv Comedy Trick Works Wonders in Relationships
In “This Improv Comedy Trick Works Wonders in Relationships,” Cloe Langr shares with Aleteia.org readers Lois Holzman's take on improv's "yes, and..."
The Human at Play
BBC-Radio 4 presents a 28-minute segment on "The Human at Play," with host Farrah Jarral. She talks to some of the world's renowned play experts, including developmentalist Carrie Lobman, Ed.D., and asks :"Who gets to play in society? And who doesn't?
Institute Faculty Member Gwen Lowenheim on Social Creativity
Gwen Lowenheim, on the faculty at the East Side Institute and New York Institute of Technology, writes about the social
Disrupting the Tragedy Narrative on Dementia
"Changing Aging" shares a post by ESI faculty Dr. Susan Massad & Mary Fridley, Dementia: The Joy of Living an
Revolutionary Transformation Through Play
Burgert Kirsten (Cape Town) interviews Lois Holzman on “Revolutionary Transformation Through Play,” for his “Liminal” podcast. Listen
![East Side Institute Newsmakers](https://i0.wp.com/eastsideinstitute.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Newsmakers1.jpg?fit=840%2C488&ssl=1)