Building Hope When Things Are Falling Apart
A four-week Online Conversational Course with Dan Friedman
Friday July 6 – Monday August 6
Fee: $150; $75 Student/Retired/Low Income
*Participants are in different time zones and read/post messages on their own schedule.
Registration: $150; Student/Retired/Low Income: $75


In many ways ours are difficult times to live in. War follows war, millions are fleeing for their lives, hundreds of millions more are desperate to feed their families. With economic, political, ideological and theological certainties collapsing around us, it’s easy to lose hope and despair about the possibility of generating new ways to grow. However, when things break down, there are also opportunities to create new possibilities: a crack in everything that let’s light in (to paraphrase Leonard Cohen).Participants in this course will read and discuss, among other things, transcripts of interviews conducted by Dan Friedman of activists from various parts of the world who are using play and performance to engage social challenges, build communities and generate hope and possibility in our dark times.