Social Therapeutics & The Practice of Method
Dive into a fascinating 20-week, online group conversation and exploration of the social therapeutic approach led by Lois Holzman, with Carrie Lobman and Chris Helm. (Begins January 2015.)
Dive into a fascinating 20-week, online group conversation and exploration of the social therapeutic approach led by Lois Holzman, with Carrie Lobman and Chris Helm. (Begins January 2015.)
Teens need all the help they can get to navigate this crazy world. How do we as practitioners and parents support young people to grow amid the stress, conflict and confusion of their lives?
What does it mean to support patient's emotional growth? This half-day workshop, Saturday, Oct. 18, will look at the relationship between radical acceptance and emotional growth and explore the group's capacity to create new emotions.
This online professional development group with Carrie Lobman is designed to enhance educators' creative group building skills and develop their capacities to create more collaborative, creative, playful and participatory learning environments. It responds to the needs of educators for new tools to address the daily demands of teaching, specifically tools that support their students in learning how to learn and developing motivation and confidence. It also provides educators with a way to make use of the latest innovations in human development, learning theory and practice. Summer Session: July 13, 20 and 27; 6:30-8:00 p.m. EDT Registration deadline is June 27. Fee: $185/ Students: $145
Join Dr. Lois Holzman, director of the East Side Institute and founder of Performing the World, and Jacqueline S. Salit, president of, as they share video reports from . . .
See a complete list of the East Side Institute's training opportunities and upcoming events.