Remix: The Mundane Joy of Playing with Words and Sounds
A workshop with Gwen Lowenheim and David Belmont
Saturday, June 16, 11:00 a.m.-2:30 p.m.
The Smooth Spot, 454 W. 46th St. #1A-S (betw. 9th and 10th Aves.)
Fee: $70 Low Income: $30
Click here to register

Join the 2017-18 International Class in making some music with composer/arranger David Belmont and creativity maven Gwen Lowenheim. We’ll create an improvised musical ensemble, lay down some beats, lyrics and eclectic themes, and then play around with some simple re-mixing and riffing that takes us somewhere new. Collective re-mixing helps to root out barriers to creativity. In this workshop, we will research, uncover and introduce ourselves to tools that support ordinary people to build environments where everyday creativity can thrive. Be prepared to have some unscripted playful/philosophical fun. For music lovers and mix-masters of all persuasions and abilities. (No technical proficiency required.)