
East Side Institute Audio Bibliography

Lois Holzman at Catalyst 2030 Change Week

Lois Holzman & Institute alumni present Grassroots Globilization for the Global Good for Catalyst 2030 Change Week, May 2023.


Lois Holzman with the Creating our Mental Health Team

Lois Holzman & the Creating Our Mental Health faculty present A developmental challenge to the “normal;” A Diagnosis for Everyone at an ADisorder4Everyone (AD4E) UK online forum; July 2023.

Lois Holzman on Laughter Box

Institute associate Katy Bee and colleague Jim-Bob Williams talk to Lois Holzman about a developmental quandary she engages with a yapping dog (!) for Episode 95 of Laughter Box, a project of the Association for Applied and Therapeutic Humor.

What Is a Developmentalist?

David Chislett talks to Lois Holzman about her advice column, “The Developmentalist,” on his popular UK podcast, “Rebel, Reject, Create.”

Something Other Than Psychology

Chris Hoff interviews Lois Holzman on the history and development of social therapy. The Radical Therapist.

How to Help People Ask for Help and Help Themselves

You/Me/We Podcast, featuring Lois Holzman and Makiko Kishi (September, 2021)


Festival of the Brain presents an interview with Lois Holzman on the topic of Non-Knowing Growing (November 2020)

Long-Term Care Chronicles

Wendy Francis of the Long-Term Care Chronicles (Family Care Council, Toronto) talks to Mary Radnofsky and Susan Massad, MD, founding members of Reimagining Dementia coalition. (October 2020)

Being + Becoming

Kara Fortier talks to Marian Rich and Carrie Lobman about “Creating What It Means to Be Human,” for her PlayGrounding podcast. (September 2020)

Social Therapeutics as Play, Performance and Becoming

Robyn Stratton-Berkessel talks to Lois Holzman about “Social Therapeutics as Play, Performance and Becoming,” for the Positivity Strategist. (June 2020)

Being Human: Creating Agency, Intimacy and Yes, Development, with Dementia

A conversation with Nettie Harper, Katharine Houpt, Susan Massad and Mary Radnofsky, moderated by Mary Fridley. (June 2018)

Political Revolution or a Revolution in Politics with Jacqueline Salit (October 2016)

New Yorkers at a Crossroads with Lenora Fulani (December 2016)

Lois Holzman Interviewed by Ricardo Lana

Christine LaCerva Interviewed by Chris Hoff

Fred Newman, Psychological Investigations (2004)

Fred Newman: Why I’m Still a Marxist

Fred Newman: Is Loving Still Sexy

Fred Newman: The Giving of Love

Fred Newman: Changing Everything