What Is Social Therapeutics?

Join Carrie Lobman and Melissa Meyer for a five-week online conversation and introduction to the methodology of social therapeutics, a postmodern, performatory approach to human and community development and learning. As you explore social therapeutics in the course of this online conversation, you will be introduced to some of its community stages in psychotherapy, education, after-school youth programs and the workplace.  Seminal readings and videos will help bring to life the diverse practice of social therapeutics. Starts April 23-May 24Register here.

Sound intriguing?
For a taste of the conversation take a look at Lois Holzman’s chapter, Creating Stages for Development: A learning community with many tasks and no goal. In A. Sumaras, A. Freese, C. Kosnick and C. Beck (Eds.), Learning communities in practice. NY: Springer.