Non Knowing Growing
Holzman, L. Non Knowing Growing. Presentation, the Normal? Festival of the Brain conference, Folkstone UK, November 2020.
Holzman, L. Non Knowing Growing. Presentation, the Normal? Festival of the Brain conference, Folkstone UK, November 2020.
Holzman, L. (2020). Vygotsky on the Margins. In Adolfo Tanzi Neto, Fernanda Liberali, Manolis Dafermos (Eds.), Revisiting Vygotsky for Social Change: Bringing Together Theory and Practice. Peter Lang Publishers, NY.
Holzman, L. (2020) Constructing Social Therapeutics. In Sheila McNamee, Mary Gergen, Celiane Camargo-Borges, Emerson F Rasera (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice. Sage Publications.
Kara Fortier talks to Marian Rich and Carrie Lobman on "Being and Becoming" for her PlayGrounding podcast.
Explore Newman and Holzman’s deconstruction of mainstream psychology and related critiques with Lois Holzman. January 2- April 25.
Pernecky, T. & Holzman, L. (2019). Knowledge as play: Centering as what matters in T. Pernecky (Ed.), Postdisciplnary Knowledge, (pp. 115-133). London: Routledge.
Wendy Francis of the Long-Term Care Chronicles (Family Care Council, Toronto) talks to Mary Radnofsky and Susan Massad, MD, founding members of Reimagining Dementia coalition...
Dan Friedman introduces you to innovative programs developed by performance activists worldwide. Be inspired! Nov 6-Dec 17.
Kara Fortier talks to Marian Rich and Carrie Lobman about “Creating What It Means to Be Human,” for her PlayGrounding podcast.
Faculty Marian Rich and Damilola Apotieri-Abdulai discuss "Mental Health and Improv Theatre,” on Nigerian news service, Arise News, hosted by Charles Aniagolu...
Sally Fox, Ph.D., at (July 30, 2020) interviews ESI faculty Mary Fridley and Susan Massad, MD, on a social therapeutic approach to dementia care for her blog.
Atlanta Jewish Times (July 31, 2020) profiles ESI Associate and Atlanta Center for Social Therapy director Murray Dabby and his performatory workshops for adults and teens.
Sally Fox, Ph.D., talks to Mary Fridley and Susan Massad, MD, for her Vital Presence podcast about the tragedy narrative of dementia...
Introducing a performatory approach to human development—social therapeutics—and its community stages. With Carrie Lobman & Melissa Meyer. Oct 30-Dec 4.
Robyn Stratton-Berkessel talks to Lois Holzman about “Social Therapeutics as Play, Performance and Becoming,” for the Positivity Strategist.
Introducing a postmodern, performatory approach to human development and its community stages. An online seminar with Carrie Lobman & Melissa Meyer New dates soon!
It’s a virtual festival of play, performance and development featuring performance activists from across the planet! Weekends, July 25-Aug 30.
UNC-Greensboro’s Omar Ali and Nadja Cech talk to Lois Holzman about “Play Is Learning & Life,“ for the “Yes, and…” Café podcast.
Let’s bring everyone into the conversation about cancer. Join online with a panel of health care providers and patients. April 23 & 30.
“Changing Aging” (February 2020) shares a post by ESI faculty Susan Massad, M.D. and Mary Fridley, Dementia: Which Way Are We Looking?
Fridley, M. and S. Massad, S. (2020). The Joy of Dementia (You Gotta Be Kidding!) Australian Journal of Dementia Care. January/February 2020.
Holzman, L and C. Salit (2020). Why be Half-Human? How Play, Performance and Practical Philosophy Make Us Whole. Draft chapter to appear in Social Construction in Action. Taos Worldshare: Taos Institute.
Associate Aurelie Harp talks to Lois Holzman for her Womanity podcast (January 2020)
Massad, S. and Silverman, B. (2020) Creating an Ensemble for Performing Health. Draft of article to appear in the Taos Institute’s Harnessing Humanness in Healthcare - Appreciative and Relational Practices, 2020.
Salit, C. (2018) Oncology Nurses Creating a Culture of Resiliency with Improvisation. In Theresa Robbins Dudeck and Caitlin McClure (Eds.), Applied Improvisation: Leading, Collaborating, and Creating Beyond the Theatre. (Methuen Drama / Bloomsbury Publishing).
Forget What You Know About Dementia. A webinar with Richard Coaten, Mary Fridley, Susanna Howard and Peter Whitehouse, moderated by Lois Holzman (November 2019)
Peter Smagorinksy’s wonderful book now available (and affordable!) in paperback. Check out chapter by Christine LaCerva on Social Therapy and Family Play.
This 12-week online seminar with Lois Holzman and guests starts Feb. 24
Holzman, L. (2019) Keynote presentation to the Play, Perform, Learn, Grow conference, The Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Lois Holzman interviews outspoken NYT bestselling author Irshad Manji — Getting beyond labels requires courage and curiosity. How do we create environments to be more loving?