ESI Admin

About ESIAdmin

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So far ESIAdmin has created 429 blog entries.

Long-Term Care Chronicles

Wendy Francis of the Long-Term Care Chronicles (Family Care Council, Toronto) talks to Mary Radnofsky and Susan Massad, MD, founding members of Reimagining Dementia coalition...

2021-02-18T01:27:58+00:00October 14th, 2020|Press|

Being + Becoming

Kara Fortier talks to Marian Rich and Carrie Lobman about “Creating What It Means to Be Human,” for her PlayGrounding podcast.

2021-02-18T01:25:58+00:00September 14th, 2020|Press|

Saying, ‘Yes/And’ to Dementia

Sally Fox, Ph.D., at (July 30, 2020) interviews ESI faculty Mary Fridley and Susan Massad, MD, on a social therapeutic approach to dementia care for her blog. 

2021-02-15T17:42:07+00:00July 30th, 2020|Press|

Curtain Up, Anxiety Down!

Atlanta Jewish Times (July 31, 2020) profiles ESI Associate and Atlanta Center for Social Therapy director Murray Dabby and his performatory workshops for adults and teens.

2021-02-15T17:43:35+00:00July 30th, 2020|Press|

Play Is Learning & Life

UNC-Greensboro’s Omar Ali and Nadja Cech talk to Lois Holzman about “Play Is Learning & Life,“ for the “Yes, and…” Café podcast.       

2021-02-14T18:46:22+00:00March 14th, 2020|Press|

Labels, Learning and Love

Lois Holzman interviews outspoken NYT bestselling author Irshad Manji — Getting beyond labels requires courage and curiosity. How do we create environments to be more loving?

2019-10-14T22:09:39+00:00October 13th, 2019|Whats new|
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