Chapters, Articles, Presentations2025-01-17T03:15:53+00:00

Chapters, Articles, Presentations

For additional materials authored by Lois Holzman, please look HERE.

2025 —

Coming soon!

2024 —

Play and Performance for Activism

Holzman, L., Malta, S. and Carrijo, V.L. (2024). Play and Performance for Activism. Chapter in Diálogos Vygotskianos. Pontes Editores: Campinas, Brazil.

2023 —

Creating Our Mental Health

Holzman, Lois (2023), Creating Our Mental Health, presentation and Institute faculty-led workshop; A Diagnosis for Everyone, UK, (AD4E) online forum, July 2023.

Social Justice across Systems of Inequity

Lobman, C. (2023). Curating playful environments for development. In O.S. Jarrett, V. Stenhouse, M. Patte & J. Sutterby (Eds.), Play and Social Justice across Systems of Inequity. Peter Lang Publisher.  

2022 —

2021 —

The Joy of Dementia

Fridley, M. and S. Massad (2021) The Joy of Dementia. In Theresa Robbins Dudeck & Caitlin McClure (Eds.) The Applied Improvisation Mindset: Tools for Transforming Organizations and Communities. Metheun/Bloomsbury.

The Revolution Must Be Performed

Holzman, Lois (2021) The Revolution Must Be Performed, Keynote presentation, 6th Congress of the Int’l Society for Cultural-Historic Activity Research (ISCAR), Natal Brazil

Playing Around with Changing the World

Lobman, C. and Rich, M. (2021) Playing Around with Changing the World. In Theresa Robbins Dudeck & Caitlin McClure (Eds.) The Applied Improvisation Mindset: Tools for Transforming Organizations and Communities. Metheun/Bloomsbury. Chapter Description.

2020 —

Overweight Brain (Japanese Edition)

Holzman, L. The Overweight Brain: How Our Obsession with Knowing Keeps Us from Getting Smart Enough to Make a Better World. Japanese edition. Tokyo. 2020. (Originally published by East Side Institute, 2018.)

Playing with the Pandemic

Dabby, Murray (2020) Playing with the Pandemic. Voices, a journal of  the American Academy of Psychotherapy. Winter 2020.

Creating a New Performance of Dementia

Holzman, L., Fridley, M. and Massad, S. (2020) Creating a New Performance of Dementia. In the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Critical Perspectives on Mental Health. Palgrave.

Creating Our Mental Health

Polk, H. and Mickenberg, R. Creating Our Mental Health. Mad in America, virtual town hall and webinar, October 2020.

Non Knowing Growing

Holzman, L.  Non Knowing Growing. Presentation,  the Normal? Festival of the Brain conference, Folkstone UK, November 2020.

Vygotsky on the Margins

Holzman, L. (2020). Vygotsky on the Margins. In Adolfo Tanzi Neto, Fernanda Liberali, Manolis Dafermos (Eds.), Revisiting Vygotsky for Social Change: Bringing Together Theory and Practice. Peter Lang Publishers, NY.

Constructing Social Therapeutics

Holzman, L. (2020) Constructing Social Therapeutics. In Sheila McNamee,  Mary Gergen, Celiane Camargo-Borges, Emerson F Rasera (Eds.)  The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice. Sage Publications.

The Joy of Dementia

Fridley, M. and S. Massad, S. (2020). The Joy of Dementia (You Gotta Be Kidding!) Australian Journal of Dementia Care.  January/February 2020.

Creating an Ensemble for Performing Health

Massad, S. and Silverman, B. (2020) Creating an Ensemble for Performing Health. Draft of article to appear in the Taos Institute’s Harnessing Humanness in Healthcare - Appreciative and Relational Practices, 2020.

2019 —

Knowledge as Play

Pernecky, T. & Holzman, L. (2019). Knowledge as play: Centering as what matters in T. Pernecky (Ed.), Postdisciplnary Knowledge, (pp. 115-133). London: Routledge.

2018 —

Research-Activism as Tool-and-Result

Holzman, L. (2018). Research-Activism as Tool-and-Result. Presentation at Symposium—Being/Becoming an Activist Scholar. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting

The Overweight Brain

Holzman, L. (2018). The Overweight Brain: How Our Obsession with Knowing Keeps Us from Getting Smart Enough to Make a Better World. New York: East Side Institute.

Zones of Proximal Development: Mundane and Magical

Holzman, L. (2018) Zones of Proximal Development: Mundane and Magical.  In J. P. Lantolf, M. E. Poehner & M. Swain (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics),

Research-Activism as Tool-and-Result

Holzman, L. (2018) Being/Becoming an Activist Scholar. Symposium Presentation. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New York NY.

What Does It Take To Be Culturally Relevant?

Holzman, L. (2018). What Does It Take To Be Culturally Relevant? Plenary Address. Applied Linguistic Winter Conference (NYSTESOL): Culturally Relevant Pedagogy.  Teachers College Columbia University, April 21, 2018.

Something New Under the Sun

Friedman, D. (2018). Something New Under the Sun. Plenary Talk, Play, Perform, Learn, Grow. Anatolia College, Thessalonika, Greece. April 13, 2018

The Revolution Must Be Performed

Holzman, L. (2018). The Revolution Must Be Performed. Presentation made at the Fifth International Congress: Consciencia: Ciencia y Espiritualidad Puebla Mexico March 3, 2018.

2017 —

Mind, Culture and Activity

Lobman, C. (2017) Performing on a Wider Stage: Developing Inner-City Youth Through Play and Performance. Mind, Culture, Activity. Vol. 24 (3). pp. 217-231

2016 —

Social Therapy and Family Play

LaCerva, C. (2016). Social Therapy and Family Play. In P. Smagorinsky (Ed.). Creativity and Community Among Autism-Spectrum Youth. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

All Power to the Developing

Holzman, L. (2016). All Power to the Developing Keynote Presentation, “Another Way Out: Addressing Violence through Culture,” International Conference on Citizenship Culture, Bogotá Colombia, October 2016.

Creating Communities of Hope

Holzman, L. (2016). Creating Communities of Hope.. Keynote Lecture, 2016 International Conference of Allies Across Boundaries: Diverse Practices of Education and Human Potential Development. National Dong-Hwa University, Hualien Taiwan, November 2016.

Honor Your Playfulness

“Honor Your Playfulness,” Lois Holzman, presentation, October 7, 2016, North Carolina Honors Association Conference, UNC at Greensboro, NC.

Performance Breakthrough

Salit, C.R. (2016). Performance Breakthrough: A Radical Approach to Success at Work. Hachette Book Group: New York.

2015 —

The Diagnostic Debate: Voices from the Street

Holzman, L. (2105). The Diagnostic Debate: Voices from the Street. Presentation at the symposium, Beyond the DSM—Current Trends in Devising New Diagnostic Alternatives. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto Ontario,  August 2015.

Vygotsky on the Margins: A Global Search for Method

Holzman, L. (2015). Vygotsky on the Margins: A Global Search for Method. Presented at the Symposium, Vygotsky and Social Justice: Community Education and Community Development, AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2015.

Social Therapy and Creating an Activist Life

Holzman, L. (2015). Social Therapy and Creating an Activist Life. Presentation at one-day conference on healing society.  Fu-jen Catholic University. Taipei, Taiwan. April 2015.

Relating to people as revolutionaries

Holzman, L. (2015). Relating to people as revolutionaries. In Loewenthal, D. (ed.), Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice. Palgrave MacMillan, New York.

Afterschool: Growth! (The All Stars Way)

Gildin, B. (2015) Afterschool: Growth! (The All Stars Way). In J. Vadeboncoeur (Ed.), Learning in and across contexts: Reimagining education. National Society for the Study of Education, v. 113, i. 2. pp 425-446.

2014 —

2013 —

The Development Line

Fulani, L. (2013). The Development Line: Helping the Poor to Grow, A Special Report on Solving the Poverty Crisis in America. The All Stars Project Inc.

2012 —

2011 —

How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self?

Holzman, L. (2011). How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self? Undersanding Vygotsky from a Social Therapeutic Perspective and Vice Versa. New  Ideas in Psychology 29, 98–105.

2010 —

2009 —

Let’s Develop! (Serbian Edition)

Newman, F. (2009) Let's Develop! (Serbian edition). Mostart, Zemun. (Originally published by the Community Literacy Research Project, New York, 1994)

Where is the Magic in Cognitive Therapy?

Newman, F. (2009). Where is the Magic in Cognitive Therapy? (A philo/psychological investigation). in R. House and Lowenthal, L (Eds.), Against and For CBT Towards a Constructive Dialogue?. Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS Books

2008 —

2007 —

How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self?

Holzman, L. (2007). How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self? Presented at the “Language Dynamics and the Phenomenology of Individual Experience,” Symposium of the Distributed Language Group, Agder University College, Grimstad Norway, May 2007.

2006 —

Lev Vygotsky and the New Performative Psychology

Holzman, L. (2006). Lev Vygotsky and the New Performative Psychology: Implications for Business and Organizations  In D.M. Hosking and S. McNamee (Eds.), The social construction of organization. Oslo: Liber.

2005 – 1974 —

Science Can Do Better than Sokal

Newman, F. (2003).  Science Can Do Better than Sokal. In L. Holzman (Ed.) Performing Psychology:  A postmodern culture of the mind. [pp. 133-141]. London:  Routledge.

A Decade of Postmodern Psychology

Holzman, L. and Morss, J. (2000). A Decade of Postmodern Psychology. In L. Holzman and J. Morss (Eds.), Postmodern psychologies, societal practice and political life. [pp. 3-14]. New York: Routledge.

Vygotsky’s Place in the History of Science

Newman, F. (2005). Vygotsky’s Place in the History of Science. Keynote. Vygotsky at Work and Play in Educational, Therapeutic and Organizational Settings, sponsored by the East Side Insitute and the Research Center at the All Stars Project, Inc.

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