Chapters, Articles, Presentations
For additional materials authored by Lois Holzman, please look HERE.

2025 —
Coming soon!
2024 —
Play and Performance for Activism
Holzman, L., Malta, S. and Carrijo, V.L. (2024). Play and Performance for Activism. Chapter in Diálogos Vygotskianos. Pontes Editores: Campinas, Brazil.
The Performance Approach for Development in Education
Holzman, Lois (2024). The Performance Approach for Development in Education, keynote presentation; 22nd International Conference for Media in Education, Tokyo, Japan, August 2024.
Some Challenges of Challenging Psychology
Holzman, Lois (2024). Some Challenges of Challenging Psychology; Re: mind magazine, Tokyo, Vol. 1 No. 1.
2023 —
Creating Our Mental Health
Holzman, Lois (2023), Creating Our Mental Health, presentation and Institute faculty-led workshop; A Diagnosis for Everyone, UK, (AD4E) online forum, July 2023.
Improv as inclusive play: Co-creating learning ensembles in higher education
Perone, A. & Lobman, C. (2023). Improv as inclusive play: Co-creating learning ensembles in higher education. In O.S. Jarrett, V. Stenhouse, M. Patte & J. Sutterby (Eds.), Play and Social Justice across Systems of Inequity. Peter Lang Publisher.
Social Justice across Systems of Inequity
Lobman, C. (2023). Curating playful environments for development. In O.S. Jarrett, V. Stenhouse, M. Patte & J. Sutterby (Eds.), Play and Social Justice across Systems of Inequity. Peter Lang Publisher.
Performing the Way to Positive and Developmental Relationships in Outside-of-School Programs
Gildin, B. and C. Lobman (2023) Performing the Way to Positive and Developmental Relationships in Outside-of-School Programs. Children & Schools, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 59–61.
2022 —
Performance Activism: A Reconstructive Approach to Social Activism and Generating Possibility
Friedman, Dan (2022) Performance Activism: A Reconstructive Approach to Social Activism and Generating Possibility, Annual Lloyd International Honors College Lecture, University of North Carolina at Greensboro (online)
Can Theatre Heal Trauma? A Case Study from India
Friedman, Dan. (2022) Can Theatre Heal Trauma? A Case Study from India. American Theatre Magazine.
Creating community and building connection through play
Lobman, C. & Rich, M. (2022). Creating community and building connection through play: An improvisational response to the coronavirus pandemic. The International Journal of play, 11 (1), 39-53.
2021 —
The Joy of Dementia
Fridley, M. and S. Massad (2021) The Joy of Dementia. In Theresa Robbins Dudeck & Caitlin McClure (Eds.) The Applied Improvisation Mindset: Tools for Transforming Organizations and Communities. Metheun/Bloomsbury.
Transforming the Culture of Communications in Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School
Holmes, Raquell and M. Anderson (2021). Transforming the Culture of Communications in Systems Biology at Harvard Medical School. In Theresa Robbins Dudeck & Caitlin McClure (Eds.) The Applied Improvisation Mindset: Tools for Transforming Organizations and Communities. Metheun/Bloomsbury.
Performance Activism: Precursors and Contemporary Pioneers
Friedman, D. (2021) Performance Activism: Precursors and Contemporary Pioneers. Palgrave Studies In Play, Performance, Learning, and Development. L. Holzman, Ed.
Medicine Across Borders: The Subjectivity of Health and Healing
Massad, S. (2021) Medicine Across Borders: The Subjectivity of Health and Healing. New York.
The Revolution Must Be Performed
Holzman, Lois (2021) The Revolution Must Be Performed, Keynote presentation, 6th Congress of the Int’l Society for Cultural-Historic Activity Research (ISCAR), Natal Brazil
Shaking the Rope of History
Lois Holzman presentation at the retirement ceremonies for Lin-Ching Hsia; Taipei, Taiwan Sept 3, 2021
A Year of Creating Heart in a Havenless World
Rich, Marian (2021) A Year of Creating Heart in a Havenless World. Poiesis: A Journal of the Arts & Communication, Vol. 18; pp. 183-198.
Embracing Uncertainty: Co-creating classroom communities for meaning making and discovery.
Lowenheim, Gwen (2021) Embracing Uncertainty: Co-creating classroom communities for meaning making and discovery. Creative Academic Magazine: Creative Ed-Ventures in Online Teaching and Learning. Vol. 19, pp. 29-31
Beyond the Therapy Office: Creating Our Mental Health Everywhere
Jessie Fields, Rachel Mickenberg, Hugh Polk, Beyond the Therapy Office: Creating our Mental Health Everywhere, workshop presentation at the Mad in America Continuing Educations forum, June 20, 2021.
The Necessity of Play (or, Non-Knowing Growing)
Holzman, Lois. The Necessity of Play (or, Non-Knowing Growing). Keynote presentation, The Association for the Study of Play, March 2021.
The Performance Movement: The Obvious and Outrageous Way Out of the Epistemological Fly Bottle
Holzman, Lois. The Performance Movement: The Obvious and Outrageous Way Out of the Epistemological Fly Bottle. Conference presentation, Alive in the Anthropocene, January 23, 2021.
Playing Around with Changing the World
Lobman, C. and Rich, M. (2021) Playing Around with Changing the World. In Theresa Robbins Dudeck & Caitlin McClure (Eds.) The Applied Improvisation Mindset: Tools for Transforming Organizations and Communities. Metheun/Bloomsbury. Chapter Description.
Separate and Unequal: A Time to Reimagine Dementia
Fridley, M., Massad, S., Kontos, P., Carson, J. et al. (2021) Separate and Unequal: A Time to Reimagine Dementia, Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease.
The End of Knowing as Critical Praxis (Practical-Critical Activity)
Holzman, L. (2021) The End of Knowing as Critical Praxis (Practical-Critical Activity). In Robert K. Beshara (Ed.), Critical Psychology Praxis: Psychosocial Non-Alignment to Modernity/Coloniality 1st Edition. Routledge.
2020 —
Overweight Brain (Japanese Edition)
Holzman, L. The Overweight Brain: How Our Obsession with Knowing Keeps Us from Getting Smart Enough to Make a Better World. Japanese edition. Tokyo. 2020. (Originally published by East Side Institute, 2018.)
Playing with the Pandemic
Dabby, Murray (2020) Playing with the Pandemic. Voices, a journal of the American Academy of Psychotherapy. Winter 2020.
Creating a New Performance of Dementia
Holzman, L., Fridley, M. and Massad, S. (2020) Creating a New Performance of Dementia. In the Palgrave Encyclopedia of Critical Perspectives on Mental Health. Palgrave.
Creating Our Mental Health
Polk, H. and Mickenberg, R. Creating Our Mental Health. Mad in America, virtual town hall and webinar, October 2020.
Non Knowing Growing
Holzman, L. Non Knowing Growing. Presentation, the Normal? Festival of the Brain conference, Folkstone UK, November 2020.
Vygotsky on the Margins
Holzman, L. (2020). Vygotsky on the Margins. In Adolfo Tanzi Neto, Fernanda Liberali, Manolis Dafermos (Eds.), Revisiting Vygotsky for Social Change: Bringing Together Theory and Practice. Peter Lang Publishers, NY.
Constructing Social Therapeutics
Holzman, L. (2020) Constructing Social Therapeutics. In Sheila McNamee, Mary Gergen, Celiane Camargo-Borges, Emerson F Rasera (Eds.) The Sage Handbook of Social Constructionist Practice. Sage Publications.
The Joy of Dementia
Fridley, M. and S. Massad, S. (2020). The Joy of Dementia (You Gotta Be Kidding!) Australian Journal of Dementia Care. January/February 2020.
Why be Half-Human? How Play, Performance and Practical Philosophy Make Us Whole
Holzman, L and C. Salit (2020). Why be Half-Human? How Play, Performance and Practical Philosophy Make Us Whole. Draft chapter to appear in Social Construction in Action. Taos Worldshare: Taos Institute.
Creating an Ensemble for Performing Health
Massad, S. and Silverman, B. (2020) Creating an Ensemble for Performing Health. Draft of article to appear in the Taos Institute’s Harnessing Humanness in Healthcare - Appreciative and Relational Practices, 2020.
2019 —
Knowledge as Play
Pernecky, T. & Holzman, L. (2019). Knowledge as play: Centering as what matters in T. Pernecky (Ed.), Postdisciplnary Knowledge, (pp. 115-133). London: Routledge.
Transcript – Forget What You Know About Dementia
Forget What You Know About Dementia. A webinar with Richard Coaten, Mary Fridley, Susanna Howard and Peter Whitehouse, moderated by Lois Holzman (November 2019)
Keynote– Play, Perform, Learn, Grow
Holzman, L. (2019) Keynote presentation to the Play, Perform, Learn, Grow conference, The Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Transcript — Exploring the End of Knowing with Sugata Mitra
Exploring the End of Knowing. A webinar with Sugata Mitra and Lois Holzman, moderated by Janet Wootten (June 2019)
Performing a Positive Alternative amid a Failing World Order
Friedman, D. (2019) Performing a Positive Alternative amid a Failing World Order. Presentation to the Alternative Futures and Popular Protest conference, University of Manchester, England.
Musings on Ecological Validity (with a little help from my friends)
Holzman, L. (2019). Musings on Ecological Validity (with a little help from my friends). Draft of article to appear in Mind, Culture and Activity, 2019.
2018 —
Research-Activism as Tool-and-Result
Holzman, L. (2018). Research-Activism as Tool-and-Result. Presentation at Symposium—Being/Becoming an Activist Scholar. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
The Overweight Brain
Holzman, L. (2018). The Overweight Brain: How Our Obsession with Knowing Keeps Us from Getting Smart Enough to Make a Better World. New York: East Side Institute.
Oncology Nurses Creating a Culture of Resiliency with Improvisation
Salit, C. (2018) Oncology Nurses Creating a Culture of Resiliency with Improvisation. In Theresa Robbins Dudeck and Caitlin McClure (Eds.), Applied Improvisation: Leading, Collaborating, and Creating Beyond the Theatre. (Methuen Drama / Bloomsbury Publishing).
Let’s Perform a New Campus Life
Holzman, L. (2018). Let's Perform a New Campus Life. Presentation made at Georgia State University September 4, 2018.
Diagnosis: A Thousand People Speak Out
Holzman, L. and Genn, E. (2018) Diagnosis: A Thousand People Speak Out. Journal of Humanistic Psychology.
Zones of Proximal Development: Mundane and Magical
Holzman, L. (2018) Zones of Proximal Development: Mundane and Magical. In J. P. Lantolf, M. E. Poehner & M. Swain (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sociocultural Theory and Second Language Development (Routledge Handbooks in Applied Linguistics),
Improvising New Realities: Movement, Sound and Social Therapeutics
López Ramírez, S.P. and Reyman, C. (2018) Improvising New Realities: Movement, Sound and Social Therapeutics. Critical Studies in Improvisation / Études critiques en improvisation, Vol. 12, No. 1.
Research-Activism as Tool-and-Result
Holzman, L. (2018) Being/Becoming an Activist Scholar. Symposium Presentation. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting. New York NY.
What Does It Take To Be Culturally Relevant?
Holzman, L. (2018). What Does It Take To Be Culturally Relevant? Plenary Address. Applied Linguistic Winter Conference (NYSTESOL): Culturally Relevant Pedagogy. Teachers College Columbia University, April 21, 2018.
Something New Under the Sun
Friedman, D. (2018). Something New Under the Sun. Plenary Talk, Play, Perform, Learn, Grow. Anatolia College, Thessalonika, Greece. April 13, 2018
Improvisational Theater Games:Performatory Team-building Activities
Ingalls, J.S. (2018) Improvisational Theater Games: Performatory Team-building Activities. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 89:1, 40-45
The Revolution Must Be Performed
Holzman, L. (2018). The Revolution Must Be Performed. Presentation made at the Fifth International Congress: Consciencia: Ciencia y Espiritualidad Puebla Mexico March 3, 2018.
Using Improvisation and Performativity as Teaching Tools
Holzman, L. (2018). Using Improvisation and Performativity as Teaching Tools. Presentation made at 2018 Art Ed Now Online Conference for Art Educators. Watch presentation here.
2017 —
Mind, Culture and Activity
Lobman, C. (2017) Performing on a Wider Stage: Developing Inner-City Youth Through Play and Performance. Mind, Culture, Activity. Vol. 24 (3). pp. 217-231
Creating a Public Space/Activity for Civic Engagement and Development
Friedman, D. (2017). Creating a Public Space/Activity for Civic Engagement and Development. Talk delivered at Alliance for the Arts in Research Universities Conference 2017. Arts in the Public Sphere: Civility, Advocacy and Engagement. Northeastern University, Boston.
Performance Activism: An Emerging Global Strategy for Reinitiating Human Development and Creating Community
Friedman, D. (2017). Performance Activism: An Emerging Global Strategy for Reinitiating Human Development and Creating Community. Talk delivered at the 2017 Japan All Stars Workshop: The Future of Performatory Psychology in Action, University of Tsukuba, Tokyo.
“Yes and…” as Teaching-Learning Methodology
Ali, O. and N. Cech (2017). "Yes and..." as Teaching-Learning Methodology. In Teaching and Learning in Higher April 2017.
2016 —
Theatre and Performance, Community and Development: The Castillo Experience
Friedman, D. (2016). Theatre and Performance, Community and Development: The Castillo Experience. Talk delivered at the International Conference on Social Learning and Recovery, Fu-Jen University, Taipei
Social Therapy and Family Play
LaCerva, C. (2016). Social Therapy and Family Play. In P. Smagorinsky (Ed.). Creativity and Community Among Autism-Spectrum Youth. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
All Power to the Developing
Holzman, L. (2016). All Power to the Developing Keynote Presentation, “Another Way Out: Addressing Violence through Culture,” International Conference on Citizenship Culture, Bogotá Colombia, October 2016.
Creating Communities of Hope
Holzman, L. (2016). Creating Communities of Hope.. Keynote Lecture, 2016 International Conference of Allies Across Boundaries: Diverse Practices of Education and Human Potential Development. National Dong-Hwa University, Hualien Taiwan, November 2016.
Self-Organizing Institutions and the Development of Citizenship Culture
"Self-Organizing Institutions and the Development of Citizenship Culture,” Dan Friedman, presentation, October 19, 2016, biennial conference, Corpovisionarios por Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Honor Your Playfulness
“Honor Your Playfulness,” Lois Holzman, presentation, October 7, 2016, North Carolina Honors Association Conference, UNC at Greensboro, NC.
Performance Breakthrough
Salit, C.R. (2016). Performance Breakthrough: A Radical Approach to Success at Work. Hachette Book Group: New York.
2015 —
The Diagnostic Debate: Voices from the Street
Holzman, L. (2105). The Diagnostic Debate: Voices from the Street. Presentation at the symposium, Beyond the DSM—Current Trends in Devising New Diagnostic Alternatives. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto Ontario, August 2015.
From the dress-up corner to the stage: Dramatic activities for early childhood classrooms
Lobman, C. & Clark, Katelyn (2015). From the dress-up corner to the stage: Dramatic activities for early childhood classrooms. Young Children, 70(2).
Vygotsky on the Margins: A Global Search for Method
Holzman, L. (2015). Vygotsky on the Margins: A Global Search for Method. Presented at the Symposium, Vygotsky and Social Justice: Community Education and Community Development, AERA Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 2015.
Social Therapy and Creating an Activist Life
Holzman, L. (2015). Social Therapy and Creating an Activist Life. Presentation at one-day conference on healing society. Fu-jen Catholic University. Taipei, Taiwan. April 2015.
Relating to people as revolutionaries
Holzman, L. (2015). Relating to people as revolutionaries. In Loewenthal, D. (ed.), Critical Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis and Counselling: Implications for Practice. Palgrave MacMillan, New York.
A report on community outreach: Lay opinions on emotional stress and diagnosis
Holzman, L. (2015). A report on community outreach: Lay opinions on emotional distress and diagnosis.
Performance, theatre, and improvisation: Bringing play and development into new arenas
Lobman, C. (2015). Performance, theatre, and improvisation: Bringing play and development into new arenas. In J. Johnson, S. Eberle, T. Henricks, and D. Kuschner (Eds.). *Handbook of the Study of Play. *New York: Rowman and Littlefield.
Afterschool: Growth! (The All Stars Way)
Gildin, B. (2015) Afterschool: Growth! (The All Stars Way). In J. Vadeboncoeur (Ed.), Learning in and across contexts: Reimagining education. National Society for the Study of Education, v. 113, i. 2. pp 425-446.
2014 —
Practicing Method: Social Therapy as Practical-Critical Psychology
Holzman, L. (2014). Practicing method: Social therapy as practical-critical psychology. Marxism and Psychotherapy, a special issue of Psychotherapy & Politics International.
Healing With(in) Imaginative Play
Perone, A. (2014) Healing With(in) Imaginative Play. Child Life Council Bulletin, v. 32, n. 3, page 7.
Play Helps Us Grow at Any Age
“Play Helps Us Grow at Any Age,” Lois Holzman, presentation, May 10, 2014, TEDxNavesink, Navesink, N.J.
Performing the World: The Emergence of Performance Activism
Friedman, D. and Holzman, L. Performing the World: The Emergence of Performance Activism. Atay Citorn, David Zerbib, and Sharon Aronson-Lehavi (Eds.), Performance Studies in Motion: International Perspectives and Practices in the Twenty-First Century. Methuen.
2013 —
The Development Line
Fulani, L. (2013). The Development Line: Helping the Poor to Grow, A Special Report on Solving the Poverty Crisis in America. The All Stars Project Inc.
Japanese Challenges of Challenging Psychology
Holzman, L. (2013). Japanese Challenges of Challenging Psychology. Presentation at the Japanese Qualitative Psychology Forum.
The Methodology of Social Therapy: Marx and Vygotsky
Holzman, L. (2013). The Methodology of Social Therapy: Marx and Vygotsky. Presentation at the Japanese Qualitative Psychology Forum.
The Methodology of Social Therapy: Marx and Vygotsky
Holzman, L. (2013). The Methodology of Social Therapy: Marx and Vygotsky. Japanese Qualitative Psychology Forum, 4.
Performance and Development: Some reflections on the relationship between theatre, community and social change
Friedman, D. (2013) Performance and Development: Some reflections on the relationship between theatre, community and social change. Revista Interdisciplinar de Gestao Social, v.2/n. 3, pp. 157-177.
Interview for The Psychologist
Holzman, L. Interview for The Psychologist, The British Psychological Society.
Performative Psychology, Postmodern Marxism, Social Therapy, Zone of Emotional Development
Holzman, L. Performative Psychology, Postmodern Marxism, Social Therapy, Zone of Emotional Development. Draft of four entries in T. Teo (ed.), Encyclopedia of Critical Psychology. Springer Reference.
Vygotskian-izing Psychotherapy
Holzman, L. Vygotskian-izing Psychotherapy. To appear in Mind, Culture and Activity, 00:1-16.
The Development Community and its Activist Psychology
Holzman, L. The Development Community and its Activist Psychology. R. House, Kalisch, D. and Maldman, J. (Eds.) The Future of Humanistic Psychology. PCCS Books.
A Letter from Vygotsky
Holzman, L. A Letter from Vygotsky. In Kress, T. and R. Lake (eds.) We Saved the Best for You—Letters of Hope, Imagination and Wisdom for 21st Century Educators.
Critical Psychology, Philosophy and Social Therapy
Holzman, L. Critical Psychology, Philosophy and Social Therapy. Human Studies, A Journal of Philosophy and the Social Sciences.
Toward a New Art of Integration
Toward a New Art of Integration, Ananta Kumar Giri
“I feel nervous… very nervous”: Addressing test anxiety in inner city schools
Lobman, C. "I feel nervous... very nervous": Addressing test anxiety in inner city schools. Urban Education. XX(X), 11-31.
The Presence and Significance of Imaginative Play in the Lives of Mexican American Adults
Perone, A.T. The Presence and Significance of Imaginative Play in the Lives of Mexican American Adults. Dissertation. University of Illinois at Chicago, Educational Psychology.
2012 —
Activity and Performance (and their Discourses) in Social Therapeutic Method
Holzman, L. and Newman, F. (2012). Activity and Performance (and their Discourses) in Social Therapeutic Method In T. Strong and A. Lock (Eds.), Discursive Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice . [pp. 184-195]. London: Oxford University Press.
Fulani’s Tools and Results: Development as Black Empowerment
Fulani's Tools and Results: Development as Black Empowerment, Omar Ali
Creating a New Performance of Health
Massad, S. Creating a New Performance of Health. Presented Performance Science Education: Cultivating Ensembles in STEM Education & Research, University of Connecticut Health Center,Farmington CT, January 5, 2012.
2011 —
Social Therapy with Children with Special Needs and Their Families
LaCerva, C. and Helm, C. (2011). Social Therapy with Children with Special Needs and Their Families. In C. Lobman and B. O'Neill (Eds.), Play and Culture Studies. Vol. 11. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
After-School Growth: What Young People Have to Say
Gildin, B. (2011). After-School Growth: What Young People Have to Say. Democracy & Education, v.19/n.1.
How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self?
Holzman, L. (2011). How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self? Undersanding Vygotsky from a Social Therapeutic Perspective and Vice Versa. New Ideas in Psychology 29, 98–105.
Critical Psychology, Philosophy and Social Therapy
Holzman, L. (in press). Critical Psychology, Philosophy and Social Therapy Draft to appear, in Chinese, in Register of Social Critical Theories.
Fred Newman and the Practice of Method
Holzman, L. Fred Newman and the Practice of Method. Presented at the Third International Academic Conference on Contemporary Capitalism Studies, Hangzhou China, October 22-23, 2011.
Activity and Performance (and their Discourses) in Social Therapeutic Method
Holzman, L. and Newman, F. (in press). Activity and Performance (and their Discourses) in Social Therapeutic Method. In T. Strong and A. Lock (Eds.), Discursive Perspectives in Therapeutic Practice. London: Oxford University Press.
Democracy and Development: The Role of Outside of School Experiences in Preparing Young People to Be Active Citizens
Lobman, C. (2011). Democracy and Development: The Role of Outside of School Experiences in Preparing Young People to Be Active Citizens. Democracy & Education. Vol. 19 (1). Article 5.
Let’s Pretend, Solving the Educational Crisis in America: A Special Report
Newman, F. and Fulani, L. Let's Pretend, Solving the Educational Crisis in America: A Special Report. All Stars Project Inc. White Paper.
2010 —
The Hamburger Syndrome
LaCerva, C. (2010) The Hamburger Syndrome, Blog Post, The Community Therapist, NY, NY.
How much of a loss is the loss of self?
Holzman, L. (2010). How much of a loss is the loss of self? Understanding Vygotsky from a social therapeutic perspective and vice versa. New Ideas in Psychology: An International Journal of Innovative Theory in Psychology.
Without Creating ZPDs There is No Creativity
Holzman, L. (2010). Without Creating ZPDs There is No Creativity. In Vygotsky and Creativity: A Cultural-historical Approach to Play, Meaning Making, and the Arts, edited by Cathrene Connery, Vera John-Steiner and Ana Marjanovic-Shane. Peter Lang Publishers.
2009 —
Let’s Develop! (Serbian Edition)
Newman, F. (2009) Let's Develop! (Serbian edition). Mostart, Zemun. (Originally published by the Community Literacy Research Project, New York, 1994)
Where is the Magic in Cognitive Therapy?
Newman, F. (2009). Where is the Magic in Cognitive Therapy? (A philo/psychological investigation). in R. House and Lowenthal, L (Eds.), Against and For CBT Towards a Constructive Dialogue?. Ross-on-Wye, UK: PCCS Books
2008 —
Ethics as Activity: Building Collaborative, Expansive and Just Social Work
Dabby, M.; Halim F.; Holliman, D.; Karliner, S.; Pearl, D. and Silverman, B. (2008). Ethics as Activity: Building Collaborative, Expansive and Just Social Work. Journal of Social Work Values & Ethics, 5 (2).
From passive objects to active subjects: Young people, performance and possibility
Farmer, E. (2008). From passive objects to active subjects: Young people, performance and possibility. Journal of the Community Development Society. 39 (2).
Creating Stages for Development
Holzman, L. (2008). Creating Stages for Development: A learning community with many tasks and no goal. In A. Sumaras, A. Freese, C. Kosnick and C. Beck (Eds.), Learning communities in practice. NY: Springer.
Keynote Presentation
Holzman, L. (2008) Keynote presentation at the Joseph A. Forgione Development School for Youth orientation. A program of the All Stars Project, New York, September 2008.
2007 —
How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self?
Holzman, L. (2007). How Much of a Loss is the Loss of Self? Presented at the “Language Dynamics and the Phenomenology of Individual Experience,” Symposium of the Distributed Language Group, Agder University College, Grimstad Norway, May 2007.
Cops, Kids and Culture
Holzman, L. (2007) Cops, Kids and Culture. Presentation at The Police and Our Young People: What is their Relationship? A Conference Sponsored by the All Stars Project, New York, June 2007.
The Developing Teachers Fellowship Program
Lobman, C. (2007) The Developing Teachers Fellowship Program: Exploring the Use of Improv Theatre for the Professional Development Inner City Teachers. Presentation at the American Educational Research Association Conference, Chicago Il.
2006 —
Lev Vygotsky and the New Performative Psychology
Holzman, L. (2006). Lev Vygotsky and the New Performative Psychology: Implications for Business and Organizations In D.M. Hosking and S. McNamee (Eds.), The social construction of organization. Oslo: Liber.
Giving away the theatre. The Youth Onstage!
Friedman, D. (2006) Giving away the theatre. The Youth Onstage! Community Performance School: A study in building bridges between theatre professionals and inner city youth.
Activating Postmodernism
Holzman, L. (2006). Activating Postmodernism. Theory & Psychology, 16(1): 109-123.
2005 – 1974 —
Science Can Do Better than Sokal
Newman, F. (2003). Science Can Do Better than Sokal. In L. Holzman (Ed.) Performing Psychology: A postmodern culture of the mind. [pp. 133-141]. London: Routledge.
A Decade of Postmodern Psychology
Holzman, L. and Morss, J. (2000). A Decade of Postmodern Psychology. In L. Holzman and J. Morss (Eds.), Postmodern psychologies, societal practice and political life. [pp. 3-14]. New York: Routledge.
A Therapeutic Deconstruction of the Illusion of Self
A Therapeutic Deconstruction of the Illusion of Self Newman, F. (1999)In Lois Holzman (ed.), Performing Psychology: A Postmodern Culture of the Mind. Routledge. 111--32.
Community development as improvised performance: How a New York housing project turned around
Farmer, E. (2005). Community development as improvised performance: How a New York housing project turned around. Progressive Planning, Spring 2005, 163.
Boundaries, relationships and diversity: Some ethical considerations
Holzman, L. (2005). Boundaries, relationships and diversity: Some ethical considerations. The Advocate (Newsletter of APA Division 37).
Developing a psychology that builds community and respects diversity
Karliner, S. and Holzman, L. (2005). Developing a psychology that builds community and respects diversity. Paper presented as part of Cultural Diversity in Psychology: Improving Services by Addressing Public Policy, a symposium at the American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC.
Performing a life
Holzman, L. Performing a life (Story). in G. Yancy and S. Hadley (Eds.), Narrative Identities: Psychologists Engaged in Self-Construction. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Vygotsky’s Place in the History of Science
Newman, F. (2005). Vygotsky’s Place in the History of Science. Keynote. Vygotsky at Work and Play in Educational, Therapeutic and Organizational Settings, sponsored by the East Side Insitute and the Research Center at the All Stars Project, Inc.
Community Development as Improvisational Performance: A New Framework for Understanding and Reshaping Practice
Farmer, E. (2005) Community Development as Improvisational Performance: A New Framework for Understanding and Reshaping Practice. Journal of the Community Development Society. 36 (2)
Power, authority and pointless activity
Newman, F. and Holzman, L. (2004). Power, authority and pointless activity (The developmental discourse of social therapy). T. Strong and D. Pare (Eds.), Furthering Talk: Advances in Discursive Therapies.Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Do Boundaries Inhibit the Growth of New Psychologies?
Holzman, L. (2004) Do Boundaries Inhibit the Growth of New Psychologies? Paper presented at the 112th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Honolulu.
What is the “Social” in “Social Development”?
Holzman, L. (2004), What is the "Social" in "Social Development?" Presentation at the Social Development, Social Inequalities and Social Justice, Conference of the Jean Piaget Society, Toronto.
How Psychology Needs to Change
Holzman, L. (2004) How Psychology Needs to Change Talk given at Vygotsky Today Symposium, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Banja Luka, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
The let’s talk about it model: Engaging young people as partners in creating their own mental health program
Feldman, N. and Silverman, B. (2004) The let's talk about it model: Engaging young people as partners in creating their own mental health program. K. E. Robinson (Ed.), Advances in School-Based Mental Health, Best Practices and Program Models. New Jersey: Civic Research Institute.
Psychological Investigations: An Introduction to Social Therapy
Holzman , L. (2004) Psychological Investigations: An Introduction to Social Therapy A talk given at the University of California, Berkeley, as part of the UC system-wide Education for Sustainable Living Program.
The let’s talk about it model: Engaging young people as partners in creating their own mental health program
Feldman, N. and Silverman, B. The let’s talk about it model: Engaging young people as partners in creating their own mental health program. K. E. Robinson (Ed.), Advances in School-Based Mental Health, Best Practices and Program Models. New Jersey: Civic Research Institute.
Lev Vygotsky and the new performative psychology: Implications for business and organizations
Holzman, L. (in press). Lev Vygotsky and the new performative psychology: Implications for business and organizations. To appear in D.M. Hosking and S. McNamee (Eds.), Organisational behaviour: Social constructionist approaches. Oslo: Liber.
Performance of Doctoring
Massad, S. (2003). Performance of Doctoring: A Philosophical and Methodological Approach to Medical Conversation. Advances in Mind-Body Medicine, 19(1): 6-13. (PDF)
Undecidable emotions
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Changing the Script for Youth Development
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All Power to the Developing
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Creating our own development
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Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development: The Human Activity Zone
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The performance of social therapy after September 11
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