Brincar e Performar Para Attivismo.
Holzman, L., Malta, S. and Carrijo, V.L. (2024). Brincar e Performar Para Attivismo. Chapter in Diálogos Vygotskianos. Pontes Editores: Campinas, Brazil.
Holzman, L., Malta, S. and Carrijo, V.L. (2024). Brincar e Performar Para Attivismo. Chapter in Diálogos Vygotskianos. Pontes Editores: Campinas, Brazil.
Holzman, L., Malta, S. and Carrijo, V.L. (2024). Play and Performance for Activism. Chapter in Diálogos Vygotskianos. Pontes Editores: Campinas, Brazil.
Dr. Jessie Fields is profiled by the New York Amsterdam News highlighting her work with Creating Our Mental Health.
Holzman, Lois (2024). The Performance Approach for Development in Education, keynote presentation; 22nd International Conference for Media in Education, Tokyo, Japan, August 2024.
Holzman, Lois (2024). Some Challenges of Challenging Psychology; Re: mind magazine, Tokyo, Vol. 1 No. 1.
Fulani, L. (2013). The Development Line: Helping the Poor to Grow, A Special Report on Solving the Poverty Crisis in America. The All Stars Project Inc.
Holzman, L. The Overweight Brain: How Our Obsession with Knowing Keeps Us from Getting Smart Enough to Make a Better World. (2018) Translated into Spanish by Majo Castrillo and Miguel Cortes, published by World Share Books, Taos Institute. Sobrecarga Cerebral available here.
Holzman, L. (2013). Japanese Challenges of Challenging Psychology. Presentation at the Japanese Qualitative Psychology Forum.
Holzman, L. (2013). The Methodology of Social Therapy: Marx and Vygotsky. Presentation at the Japanese Qualitative Psychology Forum.
Holzman, L. (2018). Research-Activism as Tool-and-Result. Presentation at Symposium—Being/Becoming an Activist Scholar. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting
Newman, F. and Holzman, L. Unscientific Psychology (2022) Translation by Zu, Xia.
Newman, F. The Myth of Psychology (2021) Translated into Mandarin by Wang, Dong-mei.
Newman, F. and Holzman, L. Unscientific Psychology (2022) Translation by 秘書 郭姵妤 Peiyu Kuo
Newman, F. The Myth of Psychology (2021) Translated into Mandarin by 秘書 郭姵妤 Peiyu Kuo
A few months ago, we were both intrigued by an article in The New York Times Magazine entitled “I’m a Couples Therapist. Something New Is Happening in Relationships” by Orna Guralnik. Dr. Guralnik is a psychoanalytically trained psychologist who is featured as a couples therapist in the TV series Couples Therapy. In this Times article, she wrote of some profound ways that her practice was being transformed that we wanted to share with our readers. A standout point for us was her comment, “The couples I’m seeing are talking differently these days—they’re telling me how much their values, attitudes, and ways they’re living are
Mary Fridley talks to McNights Long-Term Care News’ Charles de Vilmorin about the Reimagining Dementia’s “Taking It to the Streets” campaign. (Oct. 2023)
Holzman, Lois (2023), Creating Our Mental Health, presentation and Institute faculty-led workshop; A Diagnosis for Everyone, UK, (AD4E) online forum, July 2023.
LaCerva, C. and Helm, C. (2011). Social Therapy with Children with Special Needs and Their Families. In C. Lobman and B. O'Neill (Eds.), Play and Culture Studies. Vol. 11. Lanham, MD: University Press of America.
Perone, A. & Lobman, C. (2023). Improv as inclusive play: Co-creating learning ensembles in higher education. In O.S. Jarrett, V. Stenhouse, M. Patte & J. Sutterby (Eds.), Play and Social Justice across Systems of Inequity. Peter Lang Publisher.
Lobman, C. (2023). Curating playful environments for development. In O.S. Jarrett, V. Stenhouse, M. Patte & J. Sutterby (Eds.), Play and Social Justice across Systems of Inequity. Peter Lang Publisher.
Gildin, B. and C. Lobman (2023) Performing the Way to Positive and Developmental Relationships in Outside-of-School Programs. Children & Schools, Volume 46, Issue 1, January 2024, Pages 59–61.
Sackett, C. and M. Dabby (2024) Social Therapeutic Coaching: A Practical Guide to Group and Couples Work. Routledge.
Newman, F. And Holzman, L. Unscientific Psychology: A Cultural-Performatory Approach to Understanding Human Life. Translated by Yuji Moro with Makiko Kishi, Ryōta Kitamoto, Shōko Shiroma, Takayuki Daimon, Shin Nakamine, Takumi Hirosé. Hitsuji Shobō, Tokyo, 2022 Lois Holzman's Introduction
Newman, F. And Holzman, L. Unscientific Psychology: A Cultural-Performatory Approach to Understanding Human Life. Translated by Yuji Moro with Makiko Kishi, Ryōta Kitamoto, Shōko Shiroma, Takayuki Daimon, Shin Nakamine, Takumi Hirosé. Hitsuji Shobō, Tokyo, 2022 Lois Holzman's Introduction
Holzman, L. and R. Mendez, eds. (2023) Psychological Investigations: A Clinician’s Guide to Social Therapy. Simplified Chinese Language, Beijing Normal University Publishing Group. Beijing, China. (Originally published 2003 by Brunner-Routledge, N.Y., N.Y.)
Holzman, L. The Overweight Brain: How Our Obsession with Knowing Keeps Us from Getting Smart Enough to Make a Better World. Japanese edition. Tokyo. 2020. (Originally published by East Side Institute, 2018.)
Holzman, L. and R. Mendez, eds. (2023) Psychological Investigations: A Clinician’s Guide to Social Therapy. Simplified Chinese Language, Beijing Normal University Publishing Group. Beijing, China. Translated by and Peiyu Kuo and Kung, Yu-chien (Originally published 2003 by Brunner-Routledge, N.Y., N.Y.) Lois Holzman's Introduction
On May 19, one of us (Ann) was walking on a busy street corner in New York City, when she was randomly assaulted by someone who walked up behind her, punched her to the ground, and ran off. She became the latest random target of a phenomenon dubbed by NYC law enforcement as “the knock-out game.” Passersby pitched-in to help, called the ambulance and chased the assailant. Ann underwent surgery for a broken hip and hunkered down for a long-term recovery. We want to share conversations we had coming out of these events in the hopes it might help others
Lois Holzman interviewed by Chris Hoff on the history and development of social therapy. The Radical Therapist. Episode 108.
Newman, F. And Holzman, L. Unscientific Psychology: A Cultural-Performatory Approach to Understanding Human Life. Translated by Yuji Moro with Makiko Kishi, Ryōta Kitamoto, Shōko Shiroma, Takayuki Daimon, Shin Nakamine, Takumi Hirosé. Hitsuji Shobō, Tokyo, 2022