The Human at Play
Farrah Jarral on BBC-Radio 4 talks to Carrie Lobman about “The Human at Play.” Listen
Farrah Jarral on BBC-Radio 4 talks to Carrie Lobman about “The Human at Play.” Listen
UNC-Greensboro faculty Omar Ali and Nadja Cech discuss their creative use of Newman/Holzman’s learning-leads-development performance methodology that they’ve brought to their students and to the community.
Gwen Lowenheim, on the faculty at the East Side Institute and New York Institute of Technology, writes about the social creativity of language in Idiom, the newsletter for New York State teachers of English to speakers of other languages. Read Magic yet Mundane: the Social Creativity of Language.
We’re mad in America—mad as in crazy and mad as in angry. Join Lois Holzman and Robert Whitaker for a conversation on the madness of contemporary society and efforts to transform it. Fri., June 9.
Join for the NYC premiere of the social-action film documentary, “Healing Voices,” exploring the experience of psychosis and featuring live Q&A with director PJ Moynihan, ESI Director Lois Holzman, and reps from Hearing Voices NYC, Sat., May 13.
"Changing Aging" shares a post by ESI faculty Dr. Susan Massad & Mary Fridley, Dementia: The Joy of Living an Improv-isational Life.
Burgert Kirsten (Cape Town) interviews Lois Holzman on “Revolutionary Transformation Through Play,” for his “Liminal” podcast. Listen
Organizational psychologist Burgert Kirsten in Cape Town interviews Lois Holzman for his "Liminal" podcast on the developmental power of play for people of all ages. Listen here.
As borders close – we grow community! A synchronized art, music & poetry performance and fundraiser for ESI alumna Elena Boukouvala’s Play Is Hope, happening simultaneously in 15 cities & 13 countries. READ MORE
Newman, F. (2003). Science Can Do Better than Sokal. In L. Holzman (Ed.) Performing Psychology: A postmodern culture of the mind. [pp. 133-141]. London: Routledge.
Carrie Lobman will be a featured speaker at Pedagogía 2017, an international gathering of educators in Havana, Cuba, where she will present on the social therapeutic, performatory approach to developmental learning.
Holzman, L. (2016). All Power to the Developing Keynote Presentation, “Another Way Out: Addressing Violence through Culture,” International Conference on Citizenship Culture, Bogotá Colombia, October 2016.
Holzman, L. (2016). Creating Communities of Hope.. Keynote Lecture, 2016 International Conference of Allies Across Boundaries: Diverse Practices of Education and Human Potential Development. National Dong-Hwa University, Hualien Taiwan, November 2016.
Join Lois Holzman for a 14-week study of social therapeutics. The focus will be on core concepts and their points of intersection and divergence with other perspectives. Guest faculty: Michael Cole, Sheila McNamee, Peter Smagorinsky, and Tom Strong.
What is the human cost of living in a city where the divide between rich and poor is greater than at any time in recent history? Where too many New Yorkers are homeless (or afraid they could be at any moment)?
"Self-Organizing Institutions and the Development of Citizenship Culture,” Dan Friedman, presentation, October 19, 2016, biennial conference, Corpovisionarios por Colombia, Bogotá, Colombia.
Interview: Dan Friedman and Lois Holzman by Sergio Rodríquez, Arcadia, Bogatà, Colombia
“Honor Your Playfulness,” Lois Holzman, presentation, October 7, 2016, North Carolina Honors Association Conference, UNC at Greensboro, NC.
Faculty Susan Massad and Barbara Silverman will present at the Taos Institute's "Relational Practices in Health" conference in Cleveland on "Creating an Ensemble for Performing Health."
Peter Smagorinsky's new book is the first in the Palgrave Macmillan series, "Studies in Play, Performance, Learning and Development."
Beginning Oct. 14, join Carrie for a vibrant online investigation of social therapeutic community stages in psychotherapy, education, after-school youth programs and the work place.
Featured presenters include Patch Adams, Kenneth Gergen, Antanas Mockus, Richard Schechner, and participants from 30+ countries. Check out the latest news and photos.
Radical Therapist, Chris Hoff, talks to Christine LaCerva about the developmental challenge of social therapeutic groups. Listen
Already, 24 countries represented. Check out the latest news on featured presenters. Register now!
One radical therapist interviews another-- Chris Hoff speaks to Christine LaCerva about the history and practice of social therapy: listen here.
Faculty Lenora Fulani discusses police / community relations on CUNY-TV series, Criminal Justice Matters.
A day-long performance and improvisation workshop with "Performance Breakthrough" author, Cathy Salit, Sat, Aug 6.
As part of his Psychology Today series, Eric Maisel interviews Lois Holzman on how emotions are social.
Christine LaCerva and Faculty introduce you to the Clinical Practice of SocialTherapy, Thurs-Sat, June 2-4
"遊び"の反義語は"労働"ではない 遊び"の反意語は"抑うつ"である。 "遊び"とは未来のために今の自分を越えようとする意志を含むものであるからだ。 このように考えると"遊ぶ"ことによって自分が何者であるかがわかり、また、そのことで自分が孤立したり犠牲を被ったりしなくなる。 遊ぶこと(演じること)は自分がどのようにコミュニティの一員となるのかということである。 様々なコミュニティの中で、そのコミュニティにおける適確なメンバーとして自分を想像し、創造的に他者を模倣することで、私たちはコミュニティの一員となる。 言い換えれば、私たちはコミュニティのメンバーを演じること(遊ぶこと)によって、やり方を知る前にコミュニティの一部になるのである。 英語の勉強も兼ねて誤訳はきっとたくさんあるけど日本語訳にしてみた。 ホルツマン、言いたいことがわかるようなわからないような… 彼女と対話を始めてついに3年目。